The results of the 2018 USDA laboratory proficiency tests are in and DRL have once again received full marks. We remain one of only two laboratories in the southern hemisphere, and the only laboratory in NZ, to achieve this level of accreditation from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for PCR quantitation of Johne’s (MAP) shedding in individual faecal samples, in pooled faecal samples, in milk and in serum. We voluntarily undertake this independent validation every year to ensure that our diagnostic reporting is top notch!
This accreditation process involves blinded testing of proficiency panels comprising bovine faecal samples of known infection status and faecal culture titre, administered through the US National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL, Ames, Iowa) as part of an ongoing JD proficiency testing panel for diagnostic laboratories. The NVSL JD proficiency panels are distributed annually to diagnostic and research laboratories both in the US and internationally and are used to accredit testing services for JD diagnostic testing in the US. DRL are a USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service accredited testing laboratory for JD (organism-based methods (direct PCR and pooled PCR) and serum/milk ELISA) and have participated and passed NVSL JD proficiency panels annually since 2008.
More information about USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – Approved Laboratories can be found here.
MAY 2023 HEIFER TESTING PROMOTION! Use Paralisa™ testing to detect subclinical Johne’s infections earlier*. After 3 years of research, including over 8,000 animals, we are now offering our combined Paralisa™ + absorbed ELISA testing for heifers 18 months and older. Ask your animal health provider about incorporating DRL’s Paralisa™ …[Read more]
DRL is an industry leader in diagnostic services for Johne’s disease in New Zealand, and the inhouse Johne’s diagnostic tool, the Paralisa™ test, has proven its strength in combination with commercially available ELISA tests. Increasing test sensitivity allows farmers to identify animals in the earlier states of disesase (subclinical), and …[Read more]
Our faecal PCR test hallmark of quality. Every year, the DRL laboratory participates in blinded proficiency panel testing for Johne’s disease, administered through the US National Veterinary Services Laboratory, Ames, Iowa as part of an ongoing international accreditation programme for diagnostic laboratories. These proficiency panels include serum, milk and faecal …[Read more]