Diagnosis of Diagnosis of subclinical MAP infection and its effect on milk production and its effect on milk production

Vetlife Diagnosis of sub-clinical infection with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis.

Listen to Dr Andrew Bates of Vetlife New Zealand and the Centre for Dairy Excellence speak about Johne’s disease diagnosis and control in a South Canterbury dairy herd using DRL’s testing services. These data were presented at the World Buiatrics Congress in Dublin in 2016.

It’s official – subclinical Johne’s disease in the herd is costing farmers money

BMC Veterinary Research article

Keeping the ‘R’ in DRL – DRL’s latest published study confirms that subclinical Johne’s disease in the herd is costing farmers money. Conducted in collaboration with Dr Andrew Bates at the Vetlife New Zealand Centre for Dairy Excellence our latest study charts the economic impact of sub-clinical infection with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (MAP) on milk …[Read more]